How to Spread Your Ideas

September 10, 2013 — Leave a comment

The fact that an idea doesn’t spread does not mean it’s not a great idea. Having a great idea and knowing how to spread it are two different things! News Flash: Interruption Marketing is out! Nobody wants to be interrupted by a commercial, or handed a flyer on the street. Permission Marketing is in. Permission Marketing is about building relationships with people and taking the time to craft remarkable resources for them that better their lives. In this video, Seth Godin expounds upon these principles in a highly enjoyable and informative way.

[youtube id=”xBIVlM435Zg” height=”360″ width=”640″ marginbottom=”15″]

If this resonates with you, I’d like to suggest that you pick up a couple of books that develop this idea further.

The first is by Seth Godin, the man in the video above, and he’s the genius behind the idea of permission marketing. His book is entitled Purple Cow: Transform Your Business by Being RemarkableThe idea is that if you’re driving and you see a cow on the side of the road, you don’t stop. But if you see a purple cow, you pull over and take some pictures. Many of us have purple cow ideas, but when we share them, they sound like regular old cows. Learn how to turn your idea into a purple cow, and how to communicate it as such!

The second is by Malcolm Gladwell, whom I can’t say enough about. I’ve read every book that he has published, and can’t wait for the next one to drop in October. The book I’d like to recommend here is entitled The Tipping Point: How Little Things Can Make a Big DifferenceThis book is about how to start an epidemic . . . not an outbreak of a deadly disease, but of a life-giving idea that can change the world.

Introducing these ideas into your mind will cause your wheels to turn, and as your wheels turn, your vision for your platform will become more and more clear.

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