Archives For benisraelightgmail-com

A New Wave of Tent-Makers

September 13, 2013 — 2 Comments

Paul was a church-planter, missionary, apostle . . . and tent-maker. Tent-making was for him the way he made provision for his financial needs so that he would be free to do the Lord’s work without worrying about money. I believe God is releasing a new wave of tent-makers in the body of Christ!


But what is tent-making anyway? Typically when someone tells me they are a tent-maker, they mean that they work a 9-5 and do ministry on the side. That’s not what Paul did. Paul’s tent-making enterprise was a business, not a job. Paul was an entrepreneur who built a mobile business that was lucrative enough to provide not only for himself, but for all of his traveling companions as well. How would you like to be that kind of tent-maker? Continue Reading…

Buridan’s Ass Syndrome

September 12, 2013 — 2 Comments

Do you ever get the feeling that you’re doing too much and too little at the same time? Have you ever felt overworked and inactive in the same moment? If so, you are suffering from Buridan’s Ass Syndrome. This post provides guidance for increasing your productivity while decreasing your stress.

buridan's ass

Buridan’s Ass refers to a parable that dates back to the 14th century: If a donkey (an ass) is equally hungry and thirsty, and situated equidistantly between a pail of water and a bale of hay, which will he choose? According to the philosophy of Jean Buridan (who’s moral determinism this parable satirizes), the answer is neither: he will die of both hunger and thirst. Continue Reading…

What Should I Blog About?

September 11, 2013 — 3 Comments

It’s a catch 22: you can only discover and hone your concept and style in the process of blogging, but you haven’t started blogging yet because you can’t seem to hone your concept and style. You have great ideas, but you have a hard time putting them down on paper in an organized fashion. Let me help you: Blogging Lesson #1 is Just Start Blogging!

idea graphic


Writing a blog is not writing a book. If you write a bad book, that can put a taint on your reputation that follows you for years. But if you write one bad blog post (or even a year of bad blog posts), it will soon get buried under the many, many posts that follow it, as long as you KEEP MOVING FORWARD! Continue Reading…

How to Spread Your Ideas

September 10, 2013 — Leave a comment

The fact that an idea doesn’t spread does not mean it’s not a great idea. Having a great idea and knowing how to spread it are two different things! News Flash: Interruption Marketing is out! Nobody wants to be interrupted by a commercial, or handed a flyer on the street. Permission Marketing is in. Permission Marketing is about building relationships with people and taking the time to craft remarkable resources for them that better their lives. In this video, Seth Godin expounds upon these principles in a highly enjoyable and informative way.

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If this resonates with you, I’d like to suggest that you pick up a couple of books that develop this idea further. Continue Reading…

Creating Your Blog

September 8, 2013 — 8 Comments

I’ve become so convinced of the potential impact of the practice of blogging that I seem to try to convince everyone I come in contact with to start a blog.


Blogging is arguably the most powerful, accessible, and adaptable platform for mass communication in the world today. In you have a message . . . if you have something to say . . . if you have a contribution to make to the world that requires communication . . . there is no better way to say it than by creating a blog! Continue Reading…