
On this page I’d like to recommend some books that have been invaluable for me as I’ve sought to learn how to build my online platform. If you really want to go deep, you’ll want to pick up some of these books and give them a read.


Michael Hyatt’s book “Platform: Get Noticed in a Noisy World” was the initial inspiration behind my decision to get serious about building my online platform. I first came across the book in December of 2012 on a short vacation with my wife and daughter in Pasadena. I was hanging out with my friend Louis, and he suddenly pulled out the book and said, “You need to read this book!” I said, “Cool, I’ll check it out.” Then the next day I was hanging out with my friend John, and he also pulled out the book and said, “You need to read this book!” That was all I needed to hear: a double witness. I bought the book and read it immediately. Needless to say, Hyatt’s book revolutionized my thinking on how to reach people with a message. You should also check out Michael’s blog ( and other resources.



I love Seth Godin. I read his blog every morning! He’s also written a great book about using your online platform to have the greatest impact possible: by building a tribe. He teaches you what a tribe is, how to build a tribe, and how to nurture that tribe. A very insightful, informative, and enjoyable read!