Archives For entrepreneurship

A New Wave of Tent-Makers

September 13, 2013 — 2 Comments

Paul was a church-planter, missionary, apostle . . . and tent-maker. Tent-making was for him the way he made provision for his financial needs so that he would be free to do the Lord’s work without worrying about money. I believe God is releasing a new wave of tent-makers in the body of Christ!


But what is tent-making anyway? Typically when someone tells me they are a tent-maker, they mean that they work a 9-5 and do ministry on the side. That’s not what Paul did. Paul’s tent-making enterprise was a business, not a job. Paul was an entrepreneur who built a mobile business that was lucrative enough to provide not only for himself, but for all of his traveling companions as well. How would you like to be that kind of tent-maker? Continue Reading…